Sue Draper Portsmouth : Entry Conditions


Online payments must be made within 7 days to :

Kestrels Archery Club. Sort Code: 20-74-81. Acc No: 10516309.

The payment reference should be : ‘SDP23’ followed by your surname. 


Ends will be shot in two details of three arrows, on straw bosses.


Kestrels Archery Club, Stratton Upper School, Biggleswade Town Council, their agents or servants cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or injury.


GNAS cards must be shown on arrival.

We acknowledge that due to delays in membership renewal some archers may not have new membership cards. In this case please present you old card with a statement confirming renewal from a club official.

In line with the provisions of the G.N.A.S. Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy, those who wish to take photographs at the event will need to register with the Tournament Organiser on the day.

Note: By entering this tournament you have agreed that your competition results, as defined in the ArcheryGB Shooting Administration Procedures (SAP), may be published by the Club and passed to affiliated archery organisations, for example ArcheryGB.


Tea and coffee will be available for purchase throughout the day.
There will be a raffle.